1. Diminishing water
2. Diminishing city
3. Diminishing sun

1. Expanding water
2. Expanding city
3. Expanding sun

We at Triple Crowne Goods Unlimited begin our project with the end in mind and ask the artists/writers/creators around us to mediate on the concurrent occurrences of the topics above. Environment is the concrete lack the y2k generation has become skeptical of, an event that bellies our youth in feeling, importance, and impotence. Issues of climate change are of the periphery - peripheral anxiety, peripheral fear, peripheral disillusionment - sent away as whimsical, unacknowledged and frustrated. We ask you to speak, write, 3D print, render, perform, paint, or draw about this rhythm of life going awry.

Our spaces we offer for your work are both digital and physical. We ask you to imagine sculptures or installation within the space of Stream Gallery and writing or digital art to be published in our upcoming ebook. 100-300 word proposals are due August 20th with artist bio/website/links to social media. Please email submissions to triplecrownegoods@gmail.com